Brand building in the age of immediacy



The challenge to effective, sustainable, and profitable marketing that our age of immediacy poses was the theme I addressed at this year's Transition conference.

Curated and hosted by Peroclate, the conference turned out to be fascinating, and occasionally downright melting of the mind.

Rather than circle the drain of marketing's fashionable obsessions, it was more about how the world is changing - and how our understanding of it is changing.

With just enough of a pragmatic thread back to our day jobs as marketers.

It certainly made all those keynote presentations at Cannes look like just so many empty calories.

If they continue to curate this thing carefully, I could see Transition taking on an awesome life of its own.

So if you get the opportunity to participate, I'd encourage you to do so.

Here's a roundup of the talks.

And here's a link to the slightly longer version of my talk, with the slightly snarkier title.

My thanks to @heyitsnoah and @James_Gross for a properly mind-expanding experience.