The Link Between Creativity and Effectiveness

Many of us believe that there's a relationship between creativity and effectiveness.

But belief is not enough. Not in the face of skepticism. Or risk-avoidance. So it's always good to have new evidence.

The IPA, partnering with Thinkbox (which represents the TV industry in the UK) analysed some 175 campaigns which had received major creative awards as collated by The Gunn Report. The featured case studies were also all drawn from entries to the IPA Effectiveness Awards between 2000 and 2008.

The analysis found that campaigns that had been rewarded with the greatest number of accolades for their creative work were 11 times more successful in delivering positive results.

The combination of Cannes and the World Cup has probably meant that this has not received as much attention as it deserves.

Laurence Green has written about this analysis in the online edition of The Telegraph.

His piece is absolutely essential reading for anyone who cares about our creativity and who wishes to defend it against those who’d rather dilute the excellent and the audacious. Or who regard it as an indulgence.

In fact I’d suggest that we all forward a copy to each and every one of our clients.

You'll find it here: